Sunday, August 26, 2007

Lake Pepin

Yesterday (temperature in the mid-70s, nice breeze) we drove across the Mississippi at Red Wing and then went south along the river in Wisconsin; at Nelson, WI, we crossed the bridge to Wabasha (that's WAH-bah-sha) then went north back to Red Wing. It was a drive around Lake Pepin. I had assumed that the lake was formed when humans dammed the river, but
...I was wrong.

We stopped at this cool lookin' little Lutheran church after going a short way south on Highway 35.
(We couldn't decide which picture we liked best, so you get two.)

After that we stopped at every scenic overlook and historical marker.

We went through the town of Maiden Rock. I know you're thinking, "I wonder how the town got that name."
Here's your answer:
Yeah, I think a step off this would do the trick.

What's that?? Sounds like a tornado's coming!

Historical marker in Pepin, Wisconsin

Pepin marina

The bridge we crossed to get back to Minnesota.

The Mississippi from Wabasha

In Lake City

Windshield shot as we drive north on Highway 61
Pond scum
Flood plain after a flood
Last shot of the lake as we near Red Wing

Friday, August 17, 2007

More Red Wing

A lovely flower/memorial garden in a busy area of Red Wing. You can see a pillar of the post office building on the right, and a small section of the library on the left.

We drove down to the river to see the big boats and boat houses.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hike up Barn Bluff

It was a beautiful August day, high in the low 80s, nice breeze, so we decided to go for a hike to the top of Barn Bluff on the east side of Red Wing. It was a great way to spend a few hours. No further need for words.

Family Reunion

August 12 we drove from Red Wing to Arpin, Wisconsin (about 150 miles)for the Grimm family reunion; Jan's mom was a Grimm (Swiss). It was fun, especially since the youngest sister (Marilyn) and her husband (Volker) were visiting from Hamburg with their three kids.
Grandpa and grandma Grimm photo from their 50th anniversary grace the cake.

Henrik, ready to eat some more.

Jan with sisters Vicki and Linda

Cecelia with her papa

Marilyn with Henrik and Cicelia

Linda, Andrew, Madlaine, Marie, and grandpa

Volker and Madlaine

After the reunion broke up, Volker put on his work clothes to help out on the farm.

Some of the green rolling hills in late afternoon on the way back to Red Wing.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Finally Made It

We got to Red Wing about an hour after the bridge collapsed in Minneapolis; quite a welcome. (And BTW, we should close on the Mooresville house on August 31. We just have a few minor repairs to make.) After spending the first days unloading and unpacking, we took some time to explore a little. We first went west to the town of Zumbrota where we saw the last covered bridge remaining in Minnesota.

Then it was back to the Mississippi at Frontenac (actually the upper reaches of Lake Pepin). It was overcast, but otherwise a beautiful day...nice and cool. So cool that I was moved to call one of our NC friends and rub it in.

We made it to the annual River City Days just as they were closing things down on Sunday, the last day of the four-day event. We missed the free bands and parade; just too tired. One thing we've notice around here: there are sure a lot more blond people.

I finally meet my social and intellectual equal. A quiet guy, but he enjoys himself regardless of the weather.

The last couple of shots are random pictures of downtown. I'll try to get more on a sunny day.