Saturday, May 10, 2008

Last days of School

At a city park on the banks of the Mississippi River (May 7, 2008).

Marc, Vicki, Jan, Monique, etc.
Monique and I (youngest and oldest in the class)
Rob's wife, Jon, Rick
Tom and Josh
Greg, Vicki, Monique (in unintended B&W)

Justin and Rick
Andy, the most laid-back dude you'll ever meet
Ben, multi-talented performer
Jon and Carrie
Cool guys
The Jester, always welcome at any BIR event


Me, Rick, Carrie, and Jon

Rob and son

Rick, Jon, Carrie, Kyle

Rick just being Rick

Kyle and I

Aaron and son

Spring Comes Slooowwwly

According to the weathermen in The Cities this was an unusually long winter. This first picture was taken from our front porch in late winter (early March).
And here are a few taken in the first days of spring. Notice the difference.

OK, finally; this one taken today (May 10).