Lake from Superior, Wis, looking toward Duluth.
Lake shore north of Duluth
Two Harbors lighthouse
Splitrock lighthouse
Birch trees
Beaver River
Two of Silver Bay
(Known to some as "Dave Buetoeville.")
(Known to some as "Dave Buetoeville.")
Two of Temperance River
Cascade Falls
Grand Marais, view from our motel window
Grand Marais, Artist Point
Artist Point
View of Grand Marais from Artist Point
(Our motel is one of those left of center.)
(Our motel is one of those left of center.)
Driving the Gunflint trail on a rainy morning.
South Brule River
Gunflint Trail, a lake near the Laurentian Divide.
Water to the north runs to Hudson Bay, and to
the south it runs to the St Lawrence River.
Water to the north runs to Hudson Bay, and to
the south it runs to the St Lawrence River.
Gunflint Lake
The shore on the other side Canadian, eh.
The shore on the other side Canadian, eh.
Signs of the times at Gunflint Lake
One of the many bog lakes on the Gunflint Trail.
We saw fresh moose tracks here, but no moose.
(Probably a good thing.)
We saw fresh moose tracks here, but no moose.
(Probably a good thing.)
Gunflint Trail, Trail Center Lodge.
Where we got, like, the best wild rice soup EVER.
Where we got, like, the best wild rice soup EVER.
Two pictures of the Brule River in Judge Magney
State Park, on our hike up to Devil's Kettle Falls.
State Park, on our hike up to Devil's Kettle Falls.
Brule River Lower Falls
No photo could capture the incredible
force or volume of water.
No photo could capture the incredible
force or volume of water.
Devil's Kettle Falls
The Brule loses about half of its volume here.
Speculation is that it goes to an aquifer.
The Brule loses about half of its volume here.
Speculation is that it goes to an aquifer.
Beauty (Brule River) and the Beeste 1.
Grand Marais harbor early on a sunny morn.
"Downtown" Grand Marais
Baptism River as it flows in Lake Superior
Two of Gooseberry Falls
St. Croix River about an hour north of Red Wing.
Notice how much more scenic it is on the right
(Wisconsin) side than on the left (Minnesota) side.
Notice how much more scenic it is on the right
(Wisconsin) side than on the left (Minnesota) side.