Sunday, August 22, 2010

PdC Houses

Drove to Prarie du Chien yesterday to pick up something for a friend at the Cabela's store there. (PdC is about 40 miles south of La Crosse on the Mississippi.) Ended up driving down Wacouta Street and saw some pretty cool old houses. Next time we might just go out of our way and look for some.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Visit to Madtown

We took a drive to Madison yesterday. I wanted to check out State Street, the farmers' market on the Capitol Square, and the campus. It's all changed A LOT in 40 plus years...still the coolest college town in, like, forEVER.

State Street runs from campus to the Capitol Square and is now a pedestrian mall. There were a lot of people out on this warm summer day. We first headed up toward the square.
The farmer's market on the square.

Looking down State Street from the capitol.

This was (back in the day) a Wisconsin Dairyland Fudge store where I worked behind this window making fudge on a big marble-topped table.

State Street Brats...where else you gonna find Lady Liberty and plastic cows??

The Armory on campus, constructed in 1892.

Memorial Union, on the shore of Lake Mendota.
The Rathskeller (aka "The Rat") in the Union.
Beer available in The Rathskeller.
The terrace just outside The Rat.

Bascom Hill

Abe still seated outside Bascom Hall

Carillon tower on Observatory Drive

Elizabeth Waters dorm.

Liz Waters again; Lake Mendota in the background.

Path along the lake...

...leads back to the Union terrace.