Thursday, August 16, 2007

Family Reunion

August 12 we drove from Red Wing to Arpin, Wisconsin (about 150 miles)for the Grimm family reunion; Jan's mom was a Grimm (Swiss). It was fun, especially since the youngest sister (Marilyn) and her husband (Volker) were visiting from Hamburg with their three kids.
Grandpa and grandma Grimm photo from their 50th anniversary grace the cake.

Henrik, ready to eat some more.

Jan with sisters Vicki and Linda

Cecelia with her papa

Marilyn with Henrik and Cicelia

Linda, Andrew, Madlaine, Marie, and grandpa

Volker and Madlaine

After the reunion broke up, Volker put on his work clothes to help out on the farm.

Some of the green rolling hills in late afternoon on the way back to Red Wing.

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