Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas Week in California

We visited Matt in Folsom from Christmas to New Years. Great time.

Matt and Jan and a eucalyptus tree in Folsom.
Penstock at the old Folsom power plant (the first in CA).
On a hike in James Marshall Gold Discovery State Park.
The town of Coloma; Sutter's Mill on the American River was on the left.
Site of Sutter's Mill.
Visitor's Center/Museum: He taught us how to play faro.
The American River in Folsom
Beginning a hike along the river.
Matt at Folsom Prison.
Some of the weapons confiscated from prisoners.

Fisherman's Wharf, San Franscisco

"Opium Den" at the Penny Arcade Museum
(The figures moved a little when you dropped in a quarter...that's all.)
Sea lions on the pier.
Us guys with Alcatraz in the background.
When we ordered fish soup I expected smaller pieces of fish.

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